链接 Links

  • 网站 Website (包含导出数据查看网页 Includes a webpage for reading the exported file)
  • 演示 Demo (这是扩展的欢迎界面,显示效果与实际扩展工作情况无异 This is the introduction page of the extension, which reuses the same core scripts of the parsing code, working identically to the extension)
  • Chrome Web Store

重要提示 Notice

由于原网站在今年改版,成绩查询服务器已经下线,该扩展的读取成绩功能已经无法工作。但因为扩展自定义了一套 JSON 数据结构,即便服务器不可用,仍可通过离线数据实现信息显示,因此在线演示、导出成绩查看器等仍可查看。

Due to the original website upgrade, this Chrome extension cannot fetch grade data any more (the grade check server is down). However, the demo and the exported data reader still work, because I have implemented a customized JSON data structure, which make the code functional by reading the JSON data even if the remote server is unavailable.

效果比较 Comparison

查询表单比较 Check form comparison
查询结果界面比较 Result interface comparison
By exporting one person's all exam grade, you can checkthat offline and see per-subject grade graph


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