Day 19 of the Positive Life

I promised to write more blogs but obviously I failed again. Not surprising.

I am out of isolation already. I am feeling OK. Maybe I should just go over what happened during my isolation days.

Where I reported

It's very easy to forget to do contact tracing and reporting once the panic of positivity came in. I am a bit afraid of forgetting them, and I think I did complete what I was supposed to do. 继续阅读“Day 19 of the Positive Life”

Day 1 of the Positive Life

A rectangle of the COVID test kit sample dipping zone, and an emoji with wide-eyed face and two red lines down from the eye

Yes, I got COVID. After 2 years and 3 shots. It's so frustrating.

I might just have too much to write about, so much that no one might ever want to see on Twitter. Maybe a blog series would work then? Writing something down might make me feel a little positive with these positive days, I guess.

I don't really want to bother anyone to chat with me all day randomly. Ugh, social is hard. 继续阅读“Day 1 of the Positive Life”